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Shallow Smart Drainage Channel Black Quad Joiner

£9.95 Excluding Vat @20%

Fully certified to A15 BS EN 1433:2002

Shallow Smart Drainage Channel Black Quad Joiner
£ 9.95 Available online
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Shallow Smart Drainage Channel Black Quad Joiner

The Manthorpe SmartDrain Junction Unit is to be used when a 90º corner, T-junction or cross junction needs to be produced when laying the SmartDrain system. The Junction Unit has thinned out side walls which can be easily removed with a craft knife. Simply remove whichever and however many sides required and connect to the rest of the system with the easy to fix clips.

Spec Sheet http://manthorpebuildingproducts.co.uk/contentfiles/MBP%208282a%20GPC-JU%20SmartDrain%20Junction%20Unit%20Product%20Information%20Sheet.pdf


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